Dave Beazer

Software Engineer

Web developer with a knack for turning complex briefs into elegant, high-performance applications. Fluent in modern web technologies and committed to clean, efficient code. Bringing creative solutions and technical expertise to every project.

Proven track record of delivering robust, scalable web apps that boost client success and user satisfaction. Flexible, fast learner. Ready to hit the ground running and add immediate value to your development team.

Accessible UI

Design & Build 💅🏻

Short feedback loops with designers & UX experts helps to deliver the right end product to all users and devices.

User-centric UX

Jobs to be done ✅

Ensure the end user has a great experience by understanding their needs and building the right solution.

Clean Code

Peer reviewed 🤖

Engaged and collaborative team member always working to ensure code is readable, testable and maintainable.

Growth Mindset

Always Learning 🧠

I'm enthusiastic about increasing my understanding of core web tools, technologies, and patterns to elevate the end-user experience.

Web technologies & tools I work with

ways to get in touch

v 1.1.7site built with Next, Storybook & Tailwind